Guwogovche Board Game Web Trial Version 1.0 is now Release Online

Jorge Marlo M. Gutierrez as the creator of the Guwogovche Board Game is planning to develop the Web and App version of Guwogovche Board Game, The Web Trial version mostly work in desktop computer work in browser is officially release for a period of time until his complete or full version is release. The web and app version of Guwogovche is just the same.

This Link that temporary created to open to anyone who would like to try the Guwogovche App web 1.0 Trial version: HERE (Mozilla Firefox is best recommended browser if not continue loading in chrome or if takes longer to load you may try other browser)

To play the Guwogovche Trial version click link: HERE (Mozilla Firefox is best recommended browser if not continue loading in chrome or if takes longer to load you may try other browser)